International programmes
The Foundation has broad experience in managing international projects, mainly financed with EU funds. We start or participate in international projects to support the socio-economic development of the Region of Murcia.
We advise the region’s companies and institutions on all stages of the project cycle: planning, presentation, management and evaluation.
We have a large network of people we work with all over Europe. If your company or institution is interested in working on an international project, you can trust us.
Our Experience
Projects we're currently working on

LINKS UP Project
LINKS UP Project: Create links to stimulate start-up’s growth in the SUDOE Space
LINKS UP is an Interreg Sudoe project that aims to stimulate the...
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FUERM is taking part in BLUEMED Project, co-financed under Interreg MED programme, whose aim is to promote and protect the Mediterranean natural and...
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EDIPUS Project: European Digital Portfolio for university Students
FUERM is taking part the European Digital Portfolio for University Students (EDIPUS) project that aims to ease the employment of university students...
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Social Media Training to Combat Unemployment Among Higher Education Graduates (SALE)
SALE is an Erasmus+ project that focuses on combating unemployment of higher education graduates...
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GET UP Project: Green Entrepreneurship Training - Underpinning Prosperity
GET-UP project aims at enhancing the model of “green entrepreneurship”. The consortium is committed to addressing by developing a suite of bespoke...
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Us & Them Project
US & THEM is an Erasmus+ project whose aim is to promote dialog, tolerance, collaboration for good coexistence in a multicultural world.
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Employable Young People (EYP) Project
EYP is an Erasmus+ project that aims to empower and support young people and NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)’s personal and professional...
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The European exchange programme for entrepreneurs
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced...
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Mediterranean Network for Sustainable Tourism
The project contributes to the economic development of the participating regions through the elaboration of a sustainable tourism scheme in areas with a particular touristic...
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Professionals in Doctoral Education
The Foundation University Enterprise-Region of Murcia participates in the European project PRIDE - Professionals in Doctoral Education: Supporting skills development to better...
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Adults with a Learning Disability
The European project ALDO - "Adults with a Learning Disability - Observatory of Best Practice"- aims to identify and exchange good practices in the field of education for...
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web2jobs Project
This project aims to improve the skills and abilities of professionals working in the field of employment, adapting them to new 2.0 work environments of the knowledge society....
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People over 50 on the Labour Market
This project has been funded within the Lifelong Learning Programme-Grundtvig Associations, with the aim of improving skills and hence levels of employability among people over...
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Cooperation Causes Competitiveness (CCC)
The CCC project’s objective is to strengthen European business cooperation through the promotion of certain legal concepts, such as the European Economic Interest Grouping in...
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Adelantate project
The placing of women in positions of responsibility within emerging and strategic industries in Murcia.
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Awards project
A transnational observatory aimed at improving the employability of women over the age of forty-five.
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MAGAP employment
This improves access to the jobs market for people with the most difficulties.
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Micro project
The creation of start-ups for people who have difficulty accessing the labour market.
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Pamela project
The Mediterranean–Latin arch: economy, territory and investment possibilities.
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Replika project
A digital repository of training materials.
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TALAS project
Innovative e-learning and mobile learning solutions aimed at the tourism industry.
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European observatory on knowledge and the validation of competencies
A European observatory on knowledge and the validation of both formal and informal competencies in landscaping and town planning.
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Foundation Networks
European Association for International Education
A European association whose main objective is to promote the broad internationalisation of education... -
A European network of higher education institutions which work in the area of international mobility, especially within the Leonardo da Vinci programme.