Business innovation

At the Foundation, we work with the commitment to develop a culture of innovation. One of our main aims is to facilitate the development of innovative initiatives in companies and to incorporate competitiveness improvement strategies, helping them to obtain financing for their projects and supporting them during the entire process.

Over the last one hundred years, nearly 100 companies have collaborated with our Foundation to commence new R&D+i strategies. We want to be their best ally, which is why we commit to helping evaluate and support their new projects. With their trust and our hard work, we will be successful.

Our Experience

Proyectos en los que participamos actualmente

ENAE - Business school Seminar programme on support measures for technological innovation

An agreement signed by the Network of University-Business Foundations and the Ministries of Science and Industry.

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Proyectos destacados anteriores

  • ENAE - Business school

    Business update project with Red Punto Pyme

    Seminars on business innovation with the participation of several companies which presented the keys to their success and debated the current situation.

    Visit the webpage
  • ENAE - Escuela de Negocio

    SME environmental awareness and training programme

    Each year the Foundation organises a new programme with training sessions, the publishing of publicity material, consulting and useful tools.

  • ENAE - Business school

    INNOCAP project

    Actions carried out within the supra-regional SME consolidation and competitiveness plan. This project was used to design the annual innovation plan for 8...

    Visit the webpage
  • ENAE - Escuela de Negocio

    OTRITOOLS project

    Training of technology transfer technicians in online marketing and creativity, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science.

  • ENAE - Escuela de Negocio

    PECMI project

    A project within the framework of the SME consolidation and competitiveness plan, which produced strategic planning and balanced scorecard elements for...

    Visit the webpage
  • ENAE - Escuela de Negocio

    Technology transfer action plan project

    The Foundation helped Murcian businesses access action plans to encourage technology transfer between regional companies.

Redes de la Fundación

  • PymERA network

    PymERA is a national network, created by the Ministry of Science and Technology, in which organisations from all over Spain participate in order to...

  • RICAI network

    The Iberian network of support and innovation centres.

  • Redfue

    The network of university-enterprise foundations is a non-profit organisation which, since 1997, works with its members to encourage relationships between...

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