Web2jobs Project
This project aims to improve the skills and abilities of professionals working in the field of employment, adapting them to new 2.0 work environments of the knowledge society. The target groups of the project are not only careers advisers, but also jobseekers who want to become familiar with new techniques and tools for active job search based on the use of information and communications technology.
This is an European project funded within the Lifelong Learning Programme-KA3 Multilateral projects, which brings together the Foundation University Enterprise and the following European organizations: Apricot Training Management Ltd (UK); Region of Piedmont : Direction of Innovation, Research and University (IT); Spoleckzna Wyzsza Szkola (PL), Open University (NL), Groupement d'intérêt pour la formation continue et l'insertion (FR); Asociatia pentru Educatie Permanenta in Mediul Rural (RO); and Balikesir University (TU).